Saturday, 21 November 2015

15 Facts About Me

Hi Guys,
Just a simple post today!
1. I would much prefer to be inside an enclosed space than in an open area
2. I adore tea and love it with lots of milk and one sugar
3. I prefer dark, berry toned lipsticks over pinky tones any day
4. My all time favourite song is Master Pretender by First Aid Kit
5. As well as anxiety I also have OCD
6. I have a massive sweet tooth and am a huge lover of things like ice-cream, cakes and chocolate
7. Sometimes, I can accidentally contradict myself and get myself into some right messes
8. I have a passion for literature and like to read in my spare time
9. My favourite book is Gone Girl (psst, I didn't like the film as much)
10. I am obsessed with Candles, the Yankee Candle brand is my favourite
11. Co-coordinating with the above fact, I have to have candle scents to match the season
12. I like to sing (badly) especially retro songs like 'If I could Turn Back Time' or songs from musicals
13. Personally, I'm more of a TV person than a film person, but love franchises.
14. I hate science fiction films
15. If I chip my nail polish or smudge it, I have to take it all off and start again, otherwise it distresses me

Lots of Love,


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